Wednesday, May 29, 2024

One (bad) idea ...

I located the e-mail sent mentioned in the post below this.

 'One idea being mooted is the creation of a New Ouseburn Interceptor for Sewage Effluent (NOISE). The logic of this is that a piecemeal approach to solving the sewage outflow problem will not be sufficient. Fifty years ago, a friend of mine, Nog O’Rorke, was in charge of building the new interceptor sewer along the north bank of the Tyne, which was supposed to solve Newcastle’s sewage problems. Well, time and development have caught up with us and Newcastle’s sewage needs a fresh approach. The most logical route for NOISE is buried under the existing banks of the Ouseburn and creating a new covered channel underneath the Stadium. This would bypass the existing Ouseburn culvert, which has been there for over 100 years and we have no information about its present or future condition. Does anyone?

However, just bunging our sewage into the Tyne instead of the Ouseburn is not a permanent solution and the possibility of rescuing the organic components of human sewage is tantalising in this age of renewables. If this was done, then a state of the art sewage works in the Stadium could produce up to 100,000 tonnes of clean, healthy, organic fertiliser each year.'

Where does one start with such an idea? By ignoring the locals that's how.

Just the place for a sewage works?

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