Monday, February 21, 2022

The importance of small things

 Following three storms inside a week, a pause to admire the fortitude of nature:

The moods of nature have their counterpart in ours. These past years have created stress and strain on all of us, some more deeply than others. How many times have I read or heard that access to the outdoors 'saved' many from depression, anxiety and loss? What once seemed fanciful or important to a few is now acknowledged as having much wider significance: We need green space for our health and well being.

Today news of a campaign being mounted to place this need much more centrally in our futures mapped in government plans for social advance:

UK wildlife campaigners call for legal right to access nature for all

Activists say one in three people in England cannot access green spaces, with the poorest most deprived

"Communities and NGOS would have the ability to take local authorities to court if they failed to provide healthy green space, under plans set out by more than 60 nature, planning, health and equality organisations. They argue that despite the fact there is strong evidence that accessible, nature-rich spaces boost our physical and mental wellbeing, and reduce mortality, one in three people in England cannot access nature near their home."

Those of us who understand this must make sure our local representatives and council get the message: Green space is not just a development opportunity in waiting.

Read the whole article here.

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