Monday, September 2, 2024

Downhill all the way ...

Stepney Bank August 2024

I met someone on one of my litter picks walking around Battlefield (a.k.a. City Stadium). She talked about Ouseburn and the way it's brighter now than for some time – brighter in the sense of thriving, alternative and welcoming.

So, I went out a few days later in brighter weather to make a photographic essay on Stepney Bank, beginning by Byker Bridge and New Bridge Street, down the step (a clue to the name?) bank noting the variety of buildings and uses as I walked.

Almost at once  found this eccentric plaque high up on a wall – doubtless to prevent someone from stealing it! I have no idea if the legend is true or something made up by a member of the Monty Python team in an idle moment. But it's so odd it might be true ... It just adds something more to the delight of this unconventional space.

The plaque records – 

Jára Cimrman
1869-1966 approx.
Bohemian philosopher
aventurer and inventor.
Jára Cimrman invented the electric light bulb 
assisted by local inventor Joseph Swan.
Thomas Edison later copied the idea and
presented it in his name.

Cimrman is also
noted for donating Jesmond Dene to the
people of Newcastle after winning it
from Lord Armstrong
in a game of cards.

Follow that!

By the finish of my walk I asked myself 'Is this the most interesting quarter of a mile in this city? Judge for yourself. Better, come and see it.

A link to a photographic gallery is here (off site link)