Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Groves of Byker Part the Second

I will have more to say. For now the photography will do.

Another photographic slideshow here on an off site link.

A follow up collection of thoughts about the significance of urban walks soon.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Groves of Byker Part the First

The start

A walk in high summer down the delightful pedestrian and cycle path that begins behind the local Mecca Bingo, under the roadway, past the imposing archway sculpture that tries (quite successfully) to reflect the former industrial activities this railway once served and onwards towards Walker and the Tyne.

The walk is inspiring for its sense of history in the remains of the impressive 19th century railway architecture that survives and the riotous nature that has seized on an opportunity to thrive in the midst of the city. But make up your own mind. Off site photographic gallery here.